Maximus is coming for the crown

Maximus; new generation yield farming aggregator & optimizer. Built by the Lydia Team. Focussed on maximising your earnings.The metrics we knowToken: MAXIChain: AvalancheMax supply: Uncapped*Lanuchpad: Lydia FinanceWhen: soonLaunchMAXI will be an Avalanche native token. Launching via Lydia Finance’s launchpad. Fitting for a Lydia project.The IFO will see 1.2m~ MAXI distributed.What does it do?It’s a yield optimizer. A compounder. Like YieldYak, Cycle, Penguin Compounder. But with some unique features:The compounderCommonly seen on other optimizers. LP farm rewards are compounded to buy more LP.The maximizerUnique to Maximus.They farm LP rewards and compound the rewards in single staked pools. Maximizing exposure to rewards tokens, with the additional compound earnings factor.Unlike normal compounders that increase LP. The maximizer forwards rewards to the single staked pools. Where they’re compounded. Mentioned next.The single staked poolsNo impermanent loss, just raw single staked tok...
Source : Maximus is coming for the crown


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