Pangolin and Rome Terminal are partnering to integrate Pangolin into Rome’s aggregated trading terminal

Pangolin is proud to announce a partnership with Rome Terminal, an aggregated analytics terminal created by Rome Blockchain Labs. The Rome Terminal, is a multi-network and multi-dApp trading terminal. Upon its initial release, the Rome Terminal will allow DeFi traders to simultaneously trade and manage assets across the Pangolin exchange, the Velox Algorithmic Trading Bot, and across BENQI’s Decentralized Liquidity Market. With this integration, users can use Rome Terminal to interact with Pangolin directly through the Rome Terminal interface, as well as have access to advanced charting and analytics. Rome Terminal supports all the major functionality of Pangolin includes swapping tokens, providing liquidity, and tracking tokens. Real time charts and transaction tables are provided within Rome Terminal so that users can make informed trading decisions. Rome Terminal will go live on Monday October 4th, 2021. We are thankful for the opportunity to integrate with Pangolin as one of...
Source : Pangolin and Rome Terminal are partnering to integrate Pangolin into Rome’s aggregated trading terminal


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