What is BenQi Finance (QI)? How does it work?

What is BenQi (QI)?BenQi is a Decentralized Non-custodial Liquidity Market platform, or you can simply understand Lending & Borrowing on Avalanche.There are two subjects participating in using BenQi's products: Lenders (Lenders) and Borrowers (Borrowers):- Lenders: It is possible to load assets onto the platform to receive interest back from the liquidity provision.- Borrowers: You can borrow Crypto assets on the BenQi platform by mortgaging your assets. BenQi Wallet's Home screen Why invest in BenQi (QI)? We think that BenQi will be an important link to promote the explosion of the AVAX ecosystem. As we mentioned above, Lending & Borrowing is a piece that brings a huge amount of liquidity to the ecosystem. Therefore, it is likely that BenQi will become the Key Factor of the AVAX system. In addition, the factor that makes BenQi so important also comes from the project receiving $6 million in investment capital from investment funds (We will mention it later in t...
Source : What is BenQi Finance (QI)? How does it work?


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