AMA Rush Recap: Swapsicle

We’re proud to be one of the biggest Avalanche Ecosystem Community. Our discussion group has over 20,000 investors in #Avalanche. We always update the latest news for investors in #Avalanche projects. We want Avaxholic to be the biggest community for anyone who joins Avalanche Ecosystem to have a freedom of speech to discuss with everyone. “Avaxholic - together we BUILD”. Besides updating news, we’re upgrading more about data analytics - real time data and research about projects to help investors always be confident when investing in Avalanche Ecosystem. We’re honored to welcome our guests today: @DaleXYZ and @tcwardle from Swapsicle!!! Tom Wardle | Swapsicle: It's our pleasure to be here! Avaxholic: Nice! Before we start, could you please introduce your team and Swapsicle DEX to the AVAX community? Tom Wardle | Swapsicle: The Swapsicle DEX is built on the Avalanche blockchain and offers all the usual functions such as swaps, staking and farming. We have lots of fea...
Source : AMA Rush Recap: Swapsicle


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