FullDAO’s Vault — All About One-Click Strategy

With Vault to execute farming, users can save thousands of transactions of gas costs. Instead of manually performing the entire process from harvesting, selling rewards, and depositing more tokens to continuously reinvesting, a vault executes all of this automatically at high stability. Vaults Generally, a Vault can be known as a large room or chamber used for storage, especially an underground one. But in FullDAO, Vaults are effective “farming machines” following a specific algorithm of yield farming strategies. They apply automated strategies to continuously invest and reinvest deposited funds, resulting in high levels of compounded interest. This procedure aims to optimize the yields from liquidity pools by compounding yields farmed back into your initial deposited assets. Reward & Incentives At the end of the process, FullDAO earns users several types of rewards based on deposited assets and the APY. Rewards consist of: $FULL tokenFarming rewardsTrading f...
Source : FullDAO’s Vault — All About One-Click Strategy


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