What are Gas Price & Gas Limit? How to optimize Gas Fee in transactions

So what is Gas Fee, gas price & gas limit? How are they different? Let's go through today's article with Avaxholic below. What is Gas Fee? Gas Fee is a fee that you have to pay for a transaction to be made. Gas is a unit of measurement for the computer energy needed to perform a specific transaction on the Internet Network. In the picture below, you can observe the execution of a transaction that goes through many computational steps, each of which requires gas to proceed. Thus, Gas will be used to: Complete Exchange.Execution Smart contracts.Launching decentralized applications (dApps)Data storage payment. For example, if you want to make a transaction to transfer 1000 ETH to another wallet on the Ethereum network, you need some gas to conduct the transaction ⇒ The gas will be converted into ETH. What is the difference between Gas Limit and Gas Price The structure of Gas Fee will include 2 parts: What is Gas Limit? Gas Limit is the maximum amount...
Source : What are Gas Price & Gas Limit? How to optimize Gas Fee in transactions


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