What is OpenOcean (OOE)? How to use OpenOcean to maximize the profit

The OpenOcean API is a modern web service that allows you to use their infrastructure for your applications. You can deploy scalable applications in the cloud, store data in our object storage or send messages with high-availability and reliability. They offer SDKs in several different programming languages (Java, Python, Ruby, PHP) which will allow you to What is OpenOcean? OpenOcean is the world's first full Aggregation Protocol for Crypto Trading that sources liquidity from DeFi and CeFi, and enables cross-chain swaps. OpenOcean searches across DEXes and CEXes to find and optimize the best trading options for various crypto assets on different Public Blockchains. This Aggregation Protocol solves the following critical problems: Liquidity fragmentation and high trading fees, most existing DEXes do not support cross-chain swaps and the exchanges that do mostly only support ERC20 to ERC20 swaps. OpenOcean will be a fee-less aggregator and is also compatible with gas-saving ag...
Source : What is OpenOcean (OOE)? How to use OpenOcean to maximize the profit


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