What is Sherpa Cash (SHERPA)? How to earn SHERPA Token?

Let's take a look at SHERPA Cash and its potential Sherpa Token in today's article! What is Sherpa Cash? Sherpa Cash is a fully decentralized protocol built on the Avalanche Network, helping users to encrypt transactions. SHERPA Cash Website: sherpa.cash Why you should invest in Sherpa Cash (SHERPA)? With Blockchain technology, today people can get access to Explorers easily to find details about transactions such as sent token, time received, receiver’s address,… This is the merit that helps users easily check transactions. However, in exchange, people’s privacy could be stolen. Even big transactions from many corporations could be verified by anyone. For this reason, companies weigh their opinion a lot when using Blockchain. Sherpa Cash was developed to solve these problems by encrypting transactions, making it impossible to verify information of transactions through breaking the on-chain connections between the sender’s address and the receiver’s address. S...
Source : What is Sherpa Cash (SHERPA)? How to earn SHERPA Token?


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