Pangolin partners with TaleCraft, the first crafting game on Avalanche

Pangolin is proud to announce a partnership with TaleCraft. TaleCraft is a gaming NFT Metaverse project on the Avalanche blockchain. It is a card game that you can mint NFTs by making various crafts with 4 main cards of element and also sell these cards on the NFT marketplace. TaleCraft is launching its official token, the Philosopher’s Stone ($CRAFT). In TaleCraft, the 4 main elements are given in Alchemist Chests that will be sold weekly. So the cards are limited. It has a deflationary structure in itself. The cards used in each crafting are burnt. TaleCraft plans to use Pangolin‘s DEX for liquidity of the $CRAFT token, and Pangolin plans to support liquidity with a new farm. “TaleCraft is excited to partner with Pangolin because Pangolin is one of the best DEX in Avalanche, also has a very good community and it will bring benefit to TaleCraft” — Fu. St., TaleCraft Team TaleCraft is a Gaming NFT project on Avalanche. TaleCraft allows users to play games with NFTs obtain...
Source : Pangolin partners with TaleCraft, the first crafting game on Avalanche


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